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  1. Mary Kate Jordan
    January 11th, 2018 @ 12:22 pm

    No surprise, David: this lady’s been sitting comfortably with the Moody Blues as a legend in my mind and heart since my early Manhattan days… uh, that’s Manhattan, the place… never did like vermouth…

  2. David
    January 11th, 2018 @ 10:09 pm

    Hey, Mary Kate

    That doesn’t surprise me at all. It’s all a question of balance, after all.


  3. Doug C.
    January 13th, 2018 @ 9:31 pm

    I once had a cassette (I think it was) (I think–I think I am–therefore I am–I think [“Threshold of a Dream”]) of Caught Live + 5, and “Are You Sitting Comfortably?” is among my favorite Moodies tunes. “For My Lady” is another.
    One day last year, I was doing a Google Street View “tour” of parts of my old town in MA, and ended up with “You Can Never Go Home” (from “Every Good Boy Deserves Favour”) stuck in my head.
    Justin Hayward’s “Blue Guitar” (credited to Hayward and John Lodge, but actually only Hayward, backed by 10cc) and his “Forever Autumn,” from the musical production of “War of the Worlds,” are also stellar. That one always gets me now because I found it on my wife’s computer the day she passed away, when I was looking for her brother’s phone number so I could notify him.
    One of the two songs that I’ve won karaoke contests with was “Nights in White Satin.” I don’t think I’d attempt it today.
    Back in the “days of vinyl,” I don’t think I knew–or cared–that the Moodies’ music was often labeled “psychedelic rock.” I just knew I wished I could sing and play guitar like they did. 😎

  4. David
    January 18th, 2018 @ 7:57 pm

    “You Can Never Go Home Anymore” is one of my favorites, too. Also, “Emily’s Song” from that album…

    Be well, Doug! It’s good to chat with you again.
