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  1. Dilip
    November 28th, 2010 @ 12:26 am

    Hi David. Warm greetings from Pune(or Poona as it was once called) in India. Thank you ever so much for the two lessons on how to play Silent Night & We Three Kings.The variations were just great.The mp3s made it so easy to understand.I started to relearn the guitar a month ago.Christmas is less than a month away & I just had to learn at least a couple of carols.Hope it’s not too ambitious! Your lessons were right on time.
    If you’re in Delhi around Christmas do come & join me & my friends for fantastic Indian food,heavenly Christmas goodies,lovely folk & carol singing.Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. David
    November 28th, 2010 @ 9:26 pm

    Hi Dilip

    Thanks for writing and thank you for the invitation! It would be very cool to come and visit Delhi, Christmastime or any time!

    Unfortunately, I can’t make it this year, but India is on the list of places my partner Karen and I hope to visit in the relatively near future. There are certainly a few Guitar Noise folks there and it would be nice to finally get to meet some of you. If we do make it to Pune, I will definitely drop you a line. I look forward to having the honor of hearing you play.

    I’m glad you found the lessons helpful and I wish you and your family and friends a wonderful holiday season, as well as a terrific upcoming New Year.
