Hello to all
It seems like a million or more years ago, but it was back in October, 2002, that the Guitar Noise Sunday Songwriters’ Group (or “SSG” for short) was formed.
The SSG is essentially a weekly assignment for songwriters to use to help keep themselves working at their writing. Creating songs is just like playing a guitar or any instrument in that you need to practice your skills regularly in order to improve as an artist.
Nick and Ryan Spencer formed the SSG and Bob Mothers came in and ran it for an incredible run of four years. I stepped in to guide it the SSG through its sixth year and for the past two years it’s been in the exceptional care of Vic Lewis.
I’m taking the reins of the SSG as it starts out its ninth year. And I’m very much amazed that this simple idea of Nick and Ryan’s has not only grown but evolved into a wonderfully supportive community. I challenge you to find a group of people more committed to helping each other get better.
Throughout the years, I’ve written many songs through the inspiration of the Sunday Songwriters’ Group. I’ve also collaborated with numerous SSG folks on occasion. One of my favorite pieces as a co-writer is One By One, where I wrote music for some wonderful lyrics by Nick Torres.
Nick and I have performed this song on numerous occasions (last time being the 2010 Riverside Jam in West Chester, Pennsylvania) and it’s a staple of my own solo shows. I hope you enjoy it.
And I also hope you come and check out the Guitar Noise Sunday Songwriters’ Group. We’re already off to a great start and it’s only the first week! Come on over and get started in the magic of writing your own songs.