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  1. John
    March 12th, 2010 @ 12:29 pm


    This is the fourth time in my life that I started to learn the guitar. I
    have tried lessons, books and web but always reach a point of
    consternation where I get bogged down and abandon the project. I have
    always been too embarrased to play in front of anyone other than my cat.
    I came across your guitar noise lesson podcasts on
    this Winter and I feel like I am actually learning something. At the age
    of 60, I am actually playing my guitar with others at a community folk
    sing. I just started lesson #10.
    Thanks again and please continue to keep up the good work.


  2. David
    March 17th, 2010 @ 11:36 am

    Hi John

    Thanks for writing and my apologies for not replying sooner. Thanks, too for your kind words concerning my work at Guitar Noise.

    And rest assured I will be posting a lot of new material there once I finish up with the work on a new Complete Idiot’s Guide to Guitar for Alpha Books (which will be out this fall). That work should be done by the end of the month, so I’ll be back using all my spare time on Guitar Noise articles and Podcasts very shortly.


  3. C.J. Payne
    June 4th, 2010 @ 12:58 pm

    Hi David – I ran across a YouTube video of Jamie Andreas doing a video lesson, using your(?) arrangement of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”. It’s quite good, and I’m looking for the tablature. The YouTube video suggests that it’s available at GuitarNoise, but it looks like it has been removed. Can you help me??

    THanks! –


  4. David
    June 4th, 2010 @ 1:49 pm

    Hi CJ

    I think I can. Write me direct at and we’ll see what we can do to help.

    Be chatting with you soon.
