Hello to all.
Paul Hackett, creator of Guitar Noise and many other websites, has started a Guitar Noise Blog. We’ll be using it as a bulletin board as well as a place to post smaller articles and mini-lessons that may be of interest to Guitar Noise readers. Come by and visit and let us know what you think!
November 11th, 2007 @ 10:08 pm
Cool. Look forward to it. David, thanks for the great articles on guitar noise.com. I love the way you explain the details of each measure rather than leaving it to the imagination of the reader! I’m right now learning all of your Christmas carol arrangements in preparation for the coming season. I can honestly say that I’ve learned more from your articles and arrangements than by any other means since starting to play three years ago. Thanks a million !!!
November 28th, 2007 @ 2:25 pm
Well finally just looking around Guitar Noise and found this I have to say I love the way you explain things (lots of teachers are on their own planet). I have learned a lot just from your Neil Young tabs. Thanks
December 12th, 2007 @ 1:45 pm
Mr Hodge,
Thanks you for articles and beginer songs. I’m a very beginer guitar player and worse yet, I’m old. I had started to play when I was 8, left it go and now just started again. The songs selection is great and I’m acutally able to play some of them. It’s done wonderful things for me.
December 19th, 2007 @ 1:50 am
Thank you so much for guitarnoise website. I could imagine a lot of your time went into it. Very well done!! You are an excellent teacher and I have learnt so much.
December 28th, 2007 @ 1:53 pm
Mr Hodge
Hi, i’m from Chile, i’m 19 years old, i speak spanish and i know a little of english, i read your guitar column from guitarnoise webpage. I read the article “A Question of Balance ” where you explain about practique and play the guitar, i have discovered in me , that i want to best an excelent player and then get sad because i dont progress in technique, and i believe that is because i want all now,
and now i understand that is a wrong thinking, ……………
do you understand my writing???
i believe you are a great person
thank for your excelents articles!!!!!!
god bless you Mr Hodge!!!!!!!!!
January 14th, 2008 @ 9:36 am
hello Mr. Hodge!
I’ve been a great fan of yours since I came across your articles for the first time.Thanks a lot for helping us out with your lessons.I was wondering if you could do a lesson on funk rhythms in detail.I am a big fan of funk music and haven’t come across too many nice funk lessons on the http://www.Thanks.
January 14th, 2008 @ 3:12 pm
Dear Mr. Hodge:
Your articles are the BEST that can be found in the net to guitar learners
I’m a completely begginner too, and as Greg (3), I’m old. I will follow your articles. but I just wanted to say thank you.
🙂 a smile from europe
January 14th, 2008 @ 10:31 pm
Hi to everyone
And a big thank you from me for your kind words concerning my lessons at Guitar Noise.
I’m going to try to be here at my own site a lot more often this year and will try to answer questions that are posted, so please feel free to drop a line anytime.
Again, my thanks to all of you and my best wishes that 2008 be a magical, musical year for everyone.
July 8th, 2008 @ 3:09 pm
Thanks David for helping me learn Pink Floyd music and others on my guitar. You should have seen the huge smile on my face(and the face of my husband which is also a NEW guitar player) when our 24 year old son came into the room and NAMED THAT TUNE! yEAH!!!! Thanks for all of your patience and kindness that shows through in your lessons. I am just sad today because I cannot get on the site for some reason or the other. THANKS AGAIN!!!
Jen and Don
July 8th, 2008 @ 4:53 pm
Hi Jen (and Don!)
That’s terrific that you’re both obviously enjoying playing and learning the guitar. I hope you both continued happiness in doing so.
Concerning Guitar Noise, we’re in the middle of a bit of a “re-design” phase, so hopefully not getting on is just a momentary glitch. If the problem continues, email me at:
and I’ll chat up the powers that be and see what we can do.
Thank you again for your kind words and I look forward to how things are going with both of you.