Hello to all!
The latest issue of Acoustic Guitar Magazine, their “August 2006” issue with Dave Grohl on the cover, should hit the stores any day now. Look for my “Transposing Made Easy” lesson in their “The Basics” section. Plus, you’ll get a transcribed arrangement for Broke And Hungry, a traditional blues song, written out in three keys so you can try out your new transposing skills.
You can also view this lesson online at Acoustic Guitar Magazine’s website.
As always, thanks for reading.
July 12th, 2006 @ 5:58 pm
David, enjoy reading your articles at Guitar Noise website and in Acoustic Guitar. Your arrangement of Margaritaville is great and beneficial, as are your articles on chord basics. Your “Transposing Made Easy” is interesting, but a mite ahead of my personal curve (I’m a 74 years old retired naval engineer whithout much talent and whose rusty mind has been at the enjoyable grindstone for about a year now, taking private lessons because I need the observed criticism and I’m understandably in a bit of a hurry). Of course, understanding music theory is apart from playing ability, so I can follow your articles. The only comment that comes to mind about your “Easy Transposing Guide” is that it’s the Circle of Fifths in another format, but of course you know that. Thanks for all you do. Fondly, John Wells, Annapolis Maryland.
July 12th, 2006 @ 7:46 pm
Hi John
Thanks for writing and thank you as well for your comments. Sometimes trying to work a rather involved topic into a magazine article with a specific word count isn’t all that easy! If you’d like a little more leisurely approach to transposing, try the Guitar Column at Guitar Noise titled “Turning Notes Into Stone,” which you can find at this URL:
By the bye, I think it’s great that you’re taking lessons and hope that you know you’re an inspiration to many who fall into the “it’s too late” or “I’m too old” trap. I look forward to hearing how things are progressing with you.