“From Online To Onstage” or “Open Mike 101”
This year we’re going to take Guitar Noise’s logo to heart and prepare our campers to face the bright lights. There’ll be classes and instruction, all geared toward making your first performance at the Guitar Noise (Relatively) Open Mike Night.
And, we have Nick Torres coming as our special guest teacher and vocal coach!
Dates are from Thursday, July 6 to Sunday, July 9, 2006.
Classes and instruction will include:
Choosing your set of songs – what works, what doesn’t, what might
Singing basics – learning to breathe, support and staying in tune, finding and increasing your range
Arranging your songs – picking a key, adding some flair to your playing with simple techniques, ordering your set
Preparing for your performance – how and what to practice, how to mark up your score sheet/lead sheet, dynamics, memorization tricks
Theory and performance – a crash course on the capo, playing with one or two others
How to perform – prep for performance, dealing with and understanding stage fright developing a stage presence, using a microphone
All will culminate with a performance by all participants (both solo and groups) at our “virtual” open mike to be held at Uncommon Grounds Coffee House in Great Barrington, Massachusetts on Saturday, July 8 from 5 to 9 PM. We’re calling it “virtual” because the performance will be invitation only. There will be an audience but the only performers will be the Guitar Noise Mini-Campers and staff.
Thursday and Friday evenings will feature a jam and we’re hoping the weather will cooperate and we’ll have a sing-around-the campfire hot dog roast on Friday.
Cost of the Mini-Camp is $750. This includes lodging at my home and all meals (except for Saturday night). If you’d prefer to stay someplace else other than my home, then cost is $600. If you’d like to bring a spouse, friend, partner who won’t participate in the classes but will attend meals and the evening events, there would be an additional charge of $200.
Owing to the individual nature of instruction and the privacy of the “open mike” night, Guitar Noise Mini-Camp is limited to six participants. If there is enough interest, there will be more of these in the very near future.
To reserve a spot or to ask any questions, write me directly at dhodgeguitar@aol.com I look forward to seeing you there.
April 23rd, 2006 @ 3:59 pm
I’ve just been working through your techniques from your “horse with no name” tutorial on guitar noise. Absolutely love what you’ve done, it’s brilliant to take something simple to work from as it provides focus for the techniques themselves.
Brilliant work, just wanted to tell you that!
May 5th, 2006 @ 2:18 am
You’ve performed a valuable service by writing articles for beginners. May I suggest The Turtles’ “It Ain’t Me Babe” for possible inclusion in your easy songs series? It’s a simple tune with chords that sound great together.
Keep up the great work! 🙂