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  1. Sierra
    January 29th, 2006 @ 5:08 pm

    I’ve just finally picked up my guitar (again) and I while searching for new songs I came across your lessons at I just wanted to thank you so much for your articles because they were so easy to understand and yet very thorough. A lot went over my head, but I just skipped those parts. =) I just spent the last hour with “Horse With No Name” getting the strumming right, and I really appreciated the mp3 files.
    So, thank you!!

  2. David
    January 29th, 2006 @ 6:47 pm

    You’re welcome! Glad you found the lessons at Guitar Noise and don’t worry about the parts that went “over your head.” Chances are that you’ll be able to go back to an old lesson in a few months and more of it will make sense.

    Looking forward to hearing how things are going with you and your guitar.


  3. Amir
    February 5th, 2006 @ 4:25 am

    Hi david,
    I’m a relative late beginner, I started playing the guitar almost 6 months ago, and its great fun. I recently stumbled on one of your latest guitar noise lessons (Elinor ribby), I was learning how to play it in some other arrangement. Anyway, the first part about early beginners, from your experience, how long do you think it takes untill the average person can switch chords in a relatively smooth way? I know its a tricky question and it depends a lot on the individual, but still, there must be a reasonable amount of time you should be able to do it. Everybody says it just works out in the end, and there isn’t a way to teach switching chords, sometimes its really frustrating.

    Keep up the good work, the lessons are really nice.


  4. Rob
    February 27th, 2006 @ 5:53 am

    Hi David,

    I’ve been playing for a couple of years and my goal is to be a professional guitarist.
    My question is related to the hybrid technique (pick and fingers). Do you play that way?
    Also, do you have any method or video to recommend me?

    Thanks a lot!



  5. Mike
    February 28th, 2006 @ 4:22 am

    Hi David,

    Just want to say thanks for the great lessons on Guitar Noise and else where. I’ve not been able to find any as helpful, thorough, and interesting as yours. They are helping me transform my playing from ho-hum to something to be proud of. I really appreciate your efforts and hope you publish a book of similar lessons some day. I’ll be the first to buy.


  6. allen
    March 31st, 2006 @ 12:46 pm

    Thanks David,

    For the clear and supportive lessons…the mp3 are a great help! They seemed to have left us however..are they gone forever? Guitar Noise is a fantastic site for beginners like myself.


  7. David
    March 31st, 2006 @ 6:11 pm

    Concerning the MP3s at Guitar Noise:

    Because of the amount of traffic that the Guitar Noise site receives (over twenty million hits each month), we often run out of our allotment of bandwidth for the MP3s before a month is over. When this occurs the MP3s shut down and everyone panics and I spend more time writing notes about it (see the dozen or so already on the Guitar Noise Forum pages not to mention the thirty-seven emails I sent yesterday) than I do anything else.

    We appreciate your patience in this matter and we are working on it. But it seems that even though more and more (and more and more) money is put into the funds, the more traffic pops up and the problem persists. We’ll get it straight eventually.

    For the moment, just check in tomorrow and things should be right again.
