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  1. Craig
    July 5th, 2005 @ 3:21 am

    I’ve come across your work at Guitar Noise and just found this site today. Just wanted to let you know that I have enjoyed reading your work and listening to your lessons. Congratulations on your book deal!

  2. Todd
    July 5th, 2005 @ 11:40 pm

    I have you to thank for getting me over the hump and learning the secrets to one of my favourite songs, Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd. Watching them perform it last weekend at Live 8 was inspiring and will motivate me to finish up that Learn the Solo intro that you have published at Guitar
    The MP3 files you post with your lessons are brilliant and helpful. I’m just starting out, and though I turn 40 on Saturday, you’re never too old for guitar. I’m now also teaching my kids (as well as taking lessons.)
    Good luck with the book, I hope it sells well.

  3. andy
    July 20th, 2005 @ 5:58 pm

    thank you for all your lesssons they are very good could you please do maggie may intro for all us lesser mortal who want to be as good as you are

  4. Tom Wendorf
    August 10th, 2005 @ 8:49 am

    I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed being with you and your friends at the jam in Elkhart Indiana last weekend. It was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. I haven’t played the piano a lot lately and the weekend inspired me to play daily (even if only for a few minutes) again. I’m starting to practice a couple of the tips Karen passed on to me.

    I’d like to be on your e-mail distribution list even if I play keyboard and not guitar. I’d also like to get Karen’s e-mail address so I can converse with her about the keyboard.

    I’m already looking forward to next year’s trip and the good Lord willing I’ll be there.

    Thanks for creating a fun and rewarding environment for all of us. Hope to hear from you soon.


    Tom Wendorf
    Glen Ellyn, Illinois

  5. Justin Weston
    August 11th, 2005 @ 10:30 am


    I recently got a guitar for my 25th birthday as it’s something I’ve wanted to learn to play for a LONG time. I’m always amazed at the beauty of music and was finally able to afford to buy a guitar. I’m still in college so it’s embarrasing to try and practice when roomates are home, and without the money for lessons I was about to give up on it. After seeing your lessons at Guitarnoise, especially for the song Hurt, it’s really given me confidence and taught me alot. The mp3’s you provide are amazingly helpful, you can put it on loop instead of having to rewind a mp3/cd every minute. Without your lesson I wouldn’t have had a clue that instead of just playing Am one note at a time for example, you’re just picking one cord at a time. I just really wanted to thank you and let you know how appreciated your work is.

    Thanks again for taking the time to help people out.

    Justin Weston

  6. Manuel Garcia
    August 13th, 2005 @ 7:44 pm

    Hello David, I just wanted to say HELLO! and THANK YOU! from Alicante, in the mediterranean coast of Spain. I arrived to your web searching the chords of “Scarborough Fair” (that I’m playing now!)and I really liked the way you teach and explain. I use to play a bit of flamenco but really love ALL the music.
    I ask God to bless you so that you will keep on writing your lessons and making the people who loves the music and the guitar so happy!!
    Thank you very much for being there and walk your way.

    Manuel Garcia

  7. David
    August 14th, 2005 @ 7:47 am

    Hello to everyone!

    And my apologies for being away from my own site for so long! I thank you all for your kind words and hope that my future work will be just as good, if not better, than the lessons I’ve already written. Definitely look for new material to turn up in the near future, not only at Acoustic Guitar Magazine, but also Play Guitar! Magazine and, of course, Guitar Noise (

    And I appreciate the good wishes for the book project. I’ll try to keep everyone informed as to the progress. Currently, I’m working on a December deadline to have it all written and also to have a tutorial CD recorded that will go along with the book. It makes for a very full schedule but I’m enjoying the opportunity and the chance to write it.

    Be chatting with you all again very soon.



  8. Brian
    November 17th, 2005 @ 2:22 am

    Really love the little cowboy diddy as it is right on with a traditionalist guitar player like myself. Really bread and butter stuff!
    Kind Regards and keep up the great writing!