The editors of Acoustic Guitar Magazine contacted me shortly after last Thanksgiving and asked if I’d be interested in writing a lesson for them. Would I ever!
This week, their May issue hits the newsstands and in it you will find a piece called “Alternate Tuning Made Easy.” Do I have to tell you it’s mine?
The lesson is also available on Acoustic Guitar Magazine’s website,, complete with MP3 files that I recorded for them.
My thanks go to Nicole, Scott and especially Andrew, who all helped make this lesson so terrific.
And, of course, a great deal of thanks have to go to all the folks who so avidly read my material at Guitar Noise.
And then there’s Paul Hackett, without whom none of this would have ever been possible. My best, Paul! And we’re not done yet!
Harry Bancks
April 14th, 2005 @ 10:06 pm
Hi David, Just wanted to thank you for the tuning !! lt´s amazing what one string can do.l would never have thiought of it myself.Playing in the key of B with your tuning is great too.Once again, thank you. Harry Bancks, Sweden.
April 20th, 2005 @ 12:02 am
Hi Harry!
I’m glad you enjoyed the Acoustic Guitar Magazine lessons. I like to use this tuning to play a single guitar version of Pink Floyd’s “Take It Back,” the strumming pattern of which I’ve outlined in an old Guitar Noise lesson called “Cover Story.” The number of new things you can come up with by changing one little thing on the guitar is amazing!.
September 29th, 2005 @ 1:17 am
I just finished your online lesson, Absolute Beginners Part 1: Chords, and found it very useful and easy to follow. I am wondering where I can find parts 2 and 3. Thanks for the great lessons.
November 17th, 2005 @ 2:45 am
Your tuning has made my sound much more crisp and clear as opposed to seeming out of my element with regards to my acoursic guitar. Thanks for saving me a lot of time and frustration.
kind regards,